i love when my job brings me back to old friends. hanna and i connected in college and spent a blissful summer as kindred spirits in chicago years ago. we’ve stayed in touch over the years and as soon as she and her wonderful man, tyler, got engaged a few months ago, we figured out how i could come out there this past march to document their wedding in nashville. i had never been to nashville and was dying to go out there for a visit. throw in a wedding at one of nashville’s greatest landmarks, loveless cafe? even better.

their day was such a joy to be a part of – it was homey, traditional, southern, familiar, and a downright darn good time. so honored to have been there to be a part of it all. so honored to have shared in the smiles, love, and cherished moments that made up their incredible celebration.


Comments +

  1. lucas mobley says:

    Great dress! I like this…

  2. Jenny Green says:

    Jo- these turned out amazing and you were so much fun. Thanks for capturing Hanna and Tyler’s wedding so perfectly. Can’t wait to see more pictures!

  3. Michael Easley says:

    Well what can I say. Perfect. (But I want to see more!! :-))

  4. Jeft Sanchez says:


  5. seymourholly says:

    You captured so many special moments, thank you so much for catching that moment in time. it all went way too fast. Wonderful

  6. Cindy Easley says:

    Love. Amazing. Perfect. And you, Jordan, are just so darn fun!

  7. Glen and Jan Burmeister says:

    Great capture of the moment. Wish we could have been there but can feel the love through your pictures. Thanks!

  8. Tracey Homberg says:

    Such beautiful pictures of what looks like an amazing wedding!

  9. Richard Seymour says:

    God’s love and spirit shined through your love and photos the entire weekend. It’s very evident both of you know the secret of God’s love and eternal bond. I was Blessed as a dad to witness the way your friends feel about both of you as spiritual leaders and servers. Can’t wait to watch the loving impact you will have on the world.

  10. Kadie Smith says:

    Oh wow. This wedding is GORGEOUS! And her ring… I just love how you captured all of it! I feel like I was there and I can tell there was so much emotion and happiness surrounding the whole day. I love this so much! You have such a talent for capturing interactions at the perfect moment. It’s just beautiful!

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